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Vintage Egyptology!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Zelda fans! The upcoming issue of Zelda will feature Jazz Age sites and things to do in the city of Cairo, thanks to Zelda consultants and contributors, authors, Doctors of Egyptology, professors, and the most stylish couple in academics, John Darnell and Colleen Darnell! Tune into their new Youtube Channel as they reveal the hidden … Continue reading »Vintage Egyptology!

Zelda Advertisers: Discount Rates!

Reading Time: 2 minutes To help promote our sponsors, we are offering discounted advertising! Many of our advertisers are small, independent businesses (just like Zelda Magazine) and to help them stay in business and reach more customers, we are cutting our rates in half! If you have a business related to art deco style, early 20th Century ephemera, or … Continue reading »Zelda Advertisers: Discount Rates!

Doris Eaton Travis – Last Private Interview!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Doris Eaton Travis was the last living Ziegfeld girl, she passed away at 106 years old in 2010. Ten years ago, Diane Naegel interviewed her for Zelda Magazine. It was Doris’ last published interview. Until now! Diane and I met Doris the last time Doris came to visit New York, to talk with her and … Continue reading »Doris Eaton Travis – Last Private Interview!

The Tenth Anniversary of Zelda Magazine!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Welcome to issue 21, the tenth anniversary issue of Zelda Magazine! For our Fall/Winter issue our cocktail historian Garret Richard describes Planter’s Punch and author/historian/barkeep Jeff “Beachbum” Berry shows how Prohibition and Repeal led to the creation of “tropical” cafes, rhum rhapsodies, and the birth of tiki! We’ll explore flapper’s signature accessory, the headband, and … Continue reading »The Tenth Anniversary of Zelda Magazine!

Advertise in Zelda Magazine!

Reading Time: < 1 minute We are busy working on the twentieth issue of Zelda Magazine! Do you have products or services for the Jazz Age/Vintage music, art, literature, dance, etc crowd? We are taking new advertisers for the next issue of Zelda Magazine! We have low rates for advertisements and special twenty discounts for repeat sponsors! For rate cards … Continue reading »Advertise in Zelda Magazine!

Join Zelda in NY this Wednesday at the All-Star Daiquiri Discussion presented by the Rum Reader!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Zelda Magazine is a sponsor of the next All-Star Daiquiri Discussion at Slowly Shirley on 9/18/19 in NYC! The Daiquiri: a seemingly simple drink, rich with endless variation to explore. It’s become a “bartender’s handshake” as a crucial go-to when assessing a bar’s skills. Learn about the Daiquiri’s history and subtleties of flavor from New … Continue reading »Join Zelda in NY this Wednesday at the All-Star Daiquiri Discussion presented by the Rum Reader!

Last Taboos Salon: Jazzocide!

Reading Time: < 1 minute Zelda fans in NY! If you love the Jazz Age, Prohibition-era stories, and meeting authors who are the experts, come to the Red Room in the East Village Tuesday night for Booze! Blood! Mayhem! Historian and journalist Tony Perrottet interviews New York Times bestselling author Karen Abbott about her sensational new book, The Ghosts of … Continue reading »Last Taboos Salon: Jazzocide!

Zelda on the Nile

Reading Time: < 1 minute Authors and Egyptologists Colleen and John Darnell on the steamship Sudan on the River Nile with Zelda Magazine. Read issue 20 for their fantastic article about silent movie star and Egyptologist, Natacha Rambova!